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"Tell the story of the mountains you climbed, 
   your words could become a page in
   someone else's survival guide"
 - Morgan Harper Nichols



Welcome! You've arrived at the perfect destination for answers to lingering health concerns, including issues like weight gain, fatigue, burnout, brain fog, headaches, hormonal imbalances, aches and pains, anxiety, rheumatoid arthritis, leaky gut, celiac, non-celiac food sensitivities, gas, bloating, diarrhea, hypothyroidism, diabetes, and other autoimmune conditions.


Perhaps you've been told that your health problems are all in your head, that your blood work is normal, and that there's nothing wrong with you. Yet, your symptoms are undeniably real, sometimes debilitating, and frustratingly, you've been sent home without a diagnosis or real solutions.


This scenario is all too common. Why? Because our healthcare system is not inherently geared towards identifying the root cause of health issues. Traditional doctors excel in emergencies, providing swift relief for diagnosable problems, but playing the role of a health detective is not their primary function.


Enter Functional Medicine—a game-changer in your health journey. As an IFM certified Functional Medicine Health Coach and certified Gluten-Free Practitioner, I am equipped to guide you through understanding your body, recognizing how factors like gluten, stress, inflammation, and lifestyle wreak havoc, and empowering you with actionable steps to transform your health.


I embarked on a 7-year quest to restore my health and comprehend the unique challenges you face. My coaching approach is holistic, addressing your body, mind, and spirit. My mission is to educate and empower you with knowledge and skills, enabling you to make informed changes that enhance your health and well-being. Together, we'll pave the way for you to rediscover your authentic, strong, and vibrant self.


Your journey back to vibrancy begins with a single step. Don't hesitate—take that step now. Schedule a free consultation with me today, and let's explore how you can create your best life!




Online Courses
One-on-One Coaching
Gluten-Free Health Coaching
Functional Medicine Health Coaching
Lifestyle Changes to improve Health and Well-Being

Life- and Resilience Coaching for improved Work-Life Balance
Autogenic Training for Deep Relaxation and Stress Management

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